Sunday 25 March 2018

Bloggers galore!

You may have noticed that there are posts signed by Q and GrannyJ. I'm inviting all regulars to become bloggers. It's easy!

Step 1: create an mail account containing your Disqus username. Eg then send me an email from it. 

Step 2: I'll send you an invitation to join me and the others two as an author.

Step3: click on the Blogger logo on the top left of the page, choose "new post" and have fun with it. Write, edit, add photos, learn how to use everything. When you know how to use the tools, save a post you want to publish as draft, get rid of any useless drafts and contact me for further instructions on how to schedule the posts.

If we get enough authors, we could share the load, assigning one day of the week to each person. Do give it a try, folks. We could see Amy's garden in full glory, follow Cody's adventures, meet all Annette's cats, TW's cats, get healthy tips from 1smartcanerican, go travelling with PGFan, look at Roxie's delicious food on her beautiful plates, dream over shapeshifterbelly's photos, hear some tales from Manxmamma, from our elusive Marie and her hostas... the blog would have more variety and would become a real sharing place. 

What time is o'clock? Time to share...