Monday 23 March 2020

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. All is well around here, we are staying in the house for the most part, although I did go to the grocery store on Thursday. I am beginning to get a little stir crazy but have managed to keep busy. 

Yesterday we had 4 inches of snow. It was beautiful but I am ready for the warmth of spring!

I believe Duncan is thinking, " wake me when it's over! " 

It hasn't been all bad. My daughter decided to get silly yesterday and made me laugh!

I have been spending time cooking. We haven't resorted to eating canned soup yet. 😀

Yesterday I found this note on my front door. It made me smile.

I wrote her a note back and told her we are just fine. 😍

I hope everyone has a good week and we are back to normal soon.

I am happy that our virtual visits can continue!