Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Last night Pirouette came in through the cat flap in a tearing hurry and rushed upstairs for protection, always listening and watching the stairs. Later on, Peter found the flap bit of the contraption by the entrance to the kitchen, a good 8ft away from the door... Pirouette must have hit it at great speed!

We think the problem is the cat nextdoor. She was a lovely little kitten back in the summer and now she's in heat. We had Pirouette "done" as soon as she was old enough and we remember the vet's receptionist (lovely Régine) remarking that a female cat in heat who's not allowed to mate is a very pitiful sight. We have been hearing the poor thing yowling for days now.

Pirate doesn't pay any attention to it, as he's been neutered and prefers long walks to the pleasures of the flesh... But we have a gang of very aggressive, whole males around here and I'm sure they're aware of the poor damsel in distress. Pirouette probably went out for a call of nature and encountered a bunch of horny cats hanging around!

There are seven cats in this building and the only ones allowed out are Pirate and Pirouette. If these other cat owners are so mindful of the (very quiet) road and so very protective, wouldn't it make sense to pay a visit to our charming local vet (hey, TW!), spend 85 euros and avoid having their pets in distress?

[The pictures are not of the actual cats, just lookalikes I found on the internet.]