Thursday 26 July 2018

Thank you

When I got to the hospital yesterday, Barbie's children were there. They had been called to come in. They were so glad I was there. And so was I. I had brought a comfort blanket I had just finished knitting and she loved it.

At this time her heart is still keeping her alive but she is in a coma. It is only a matter of time. I am blessed to have been able to be there with the family yesterday morning when she was still able to talk to all of us. She told us all that she was not afraid, and also said that this was the best wake she had ever been to. What a wonderful gift that was for her to give us all.

I patted her hand and told her that was from P. And told her of all the positive thoughts from all of you.

I am so grateful to have had this amazing woman in my life. And I am so grateful for the love and support you have given me over the last few difficult days.