Sunday 4 November 2018

Time to think

Let's complete the weekend with some brain teasers. I think we all need a few smiles to prepare for the days ahead.

1)  I have forests but no trees.
    I have lakes but no water.
    I have roads but no cars.
         What am I?

2)  Which seven-letter word contains dozens of letters?

3) Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.
 Michael J. Fox has a small one.
 The pope doesn't use his at all.
 Clinton uses his all the time.
 What is it?

4)  You use a knife to slice my head, and weep 
beside me when I'm dead.
What am I?

5)  What can run but never walks,
has a mouth but never talks,
has a head but never weeps,
has a bed, but never sleeps?

6)  A man leaves home and make three left turns,
only to return home facing two men wearing masks.
Who are these two men?

Have a great day everyone!