Friday 15 February 2019


Is it only me, or do some of us here seem to be going through a period of bad luck?  I was thinking about superstitions last night, wondering what I could have possibly done to provoke whatever is causing my bad streak.  If anyone knows how to break the curse, please chime in!

Here are some superstitions from around the world.  I saved the one to bring good luck for the last!

Whistling Indoors Invites Evil

Whistling while you work may be an issue in Lithuania where it's forbidden to whistle whistle indoors because the noise is believed to summon demons.  

Avoid Sleeping With Your Head to the North

According to Japanese superstition, sleeping with your head in this direction is bad luck because that's how the deceased are laid to rest.  Before you move your bed...

Avoid Sleeping With Your Head to the West

Conversely, the same superstition exists in Africa if you sleep with your head to the west.

Itchy Hands Have Financial Repercussions

In Turkey, an itchy right hand means you'll come into some money but an itch on your left means you'll lose money.

Don't Play With Scissors

Idly playing with scissors will bring bad luck according to Egyptian lure. 

Stepping in Dog Poop Isn't Necessarily Bad

This one seems unlucky all around but just go with it. Stepping in dog poop is actually considered good luck in France if you do it with your left foot. It's only bad luck if you step with your right foot.

Bird Poop Brings Good Fortune

According to a Russian superstition, bird poop that lands on you or something that belongs to you will bring you wealth — something to keep in mind the next time you're reading under a tree.

Knitting Outside Can Prolong Winter

If you're in Iceland, keep the knitting inside the house. There's a local superstition that doing your needlework on on your doorstep will keep those temps frigid.

Spilling Water Behind Someone Is a Nice Gesture

In Serbia, it's believed to bring good luck if you drip water behind a person.

Who wants to come to Boston to spill water behind me?