Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Word game - The answers

The real meaning of the words is under each picture.

    Absquatulate = To make off hurriedly

    Choller = Double chin

    Illecebrous = Pretty, attractive

    Halch = To hug

    Gamp = Large umbrella 

    Tragematopolist = Seller of candy

    Fleer = To laugh disrespectfully 

    Battologize = To repeat the same thing needlessly 

Here are the highlights from the original thread. Now that you know the real meaning of the words, you can read these contributions again and see how much sense they make…

These words games always guarantee some hilarity. PMom_GA revealed her talent for producing groaners!

Sorry to say that my attempts at exercise resulted in a failure to AbSquatUlate regularly.

Has anyone else noticed that when they absquatulate everyone leaves the room? Same thing happens when I halch. 
And what about those illecebrous dreams- boy those are really something. Think I am going to have to see a tragematopolist and find out if this is normal at my age. Whatever...I am not going to take any more gamp from anyone! And let me tell you... when I battologize it is not something you will soon forget. Think I will pour myself another tankard of choller and see if I am still able to fleer. Bet I can! LOL.

View replied to GrannyJ:
Hi GrannyJ! These really work! No gamp! The latest models even have a 'no-leak' halch pouch. Fleers!

Buenas dias amigos! I woke up late to a thunderstorm this morning and Benny didn't want to leave the comfort of her perch, so I decided to do some exercises. First I poured a large mug of cinnamon-flavored latte and rolled out my mat. Wow! It was later than I realized and so I decided to absquatalate* the session to save time. I got invited to lunch and was asked to bring dessert. I began to halch the choller to a illecebrous texture when I realized I could battologize the lard to produce a crusty Gamp any Tragamatopolist would be proud of! Part of the fun is serving it with fleer!

*combining-normally with caffeine.

Lynn in VA
Today, President Palin's press secretary issued the following
statement: 'the President would like to illecebrously battologize to
the Tragematopolists, they who unflinchingly halch the choller. It
was never her intention to fleer upon their gamp. In future she will
absquatulate also, too rather than go along to get along in the
crony capitalist, oh and it's gottabe all about Benghazi too, any of
them, all of 'em that have been halched before me all these years,

I conscientiously counted off the 60 minutes after taking my thyroid pill in anticipation of warming up the sweet, gooey Choller, awaiting patiently for the microwave to bring out the flavors sitting overnight on the counter. As I bit off the first morsel and savored the flavor, warmth and aroma, Okay, I stuck the whole thing in my mouth and swallowed! I suddenly felt this illecebrous wrenching in my gut and made a mad dash to the powder room. It had been 4 months since I had indulged this delicacy. The halch had gripped so suddenly. After the wave let-up, I picked up the phone and out of desperation I dialed Dr. Gamp, the world renown Tragematopolist and protologist for advice. He assured me that the fleer would battologize shortly, as it was nothing more than a fart crosswise in my gut from eating too fast and swallowing the whole thing without properly masticating it properly. The second one went much smoother as I slowly chewed up the tantalizing delicacy and washed it down with copious amounts of fresh ground coffee, and belched like a proud German! I realized 3 Chollers might be over-doing it. But damn, homemade Chollers might be one of my favorite things in the world! Patience is a virtue.

Thank you to all who took part in the game. I'll start collecting funny words in another language for a future game, yes?