Sunday 2 November 2014

Attractive food for young eaters

I have an update about Tom from Phuket:

Hi Regina,

Yes, that is me “lurking” in the shadows of “What Time is O’Clock”. When I rise at 0500 you’re the second spot I check on the Internet (after my emails). I enjoy the photos, stories, etc., though seldom get to the comment section, though your reposting of my photo got my curiosity up and I did this morning.

Phuket is still a wonderful place to visit, or as I did more than twelve years ago, move to. It’s an island (and the pronunciation of the name is done with a silent “h” – so Poo – ket with accent on the ket), a bit smaller than Singapore 543 sq. kms. And has a population of half-a-million or so – though with the migrant works and tourists that figure is low (last year we had 7.5 million visitors). Phuket is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia – we do have 650 hotels with more than 40,000 rooms. The largest number of tourists come from China, Korea, India and Russia – we have direct flights to Moscow, Hong Kong, Seoul, Dubai, Tehran and most capitols of the SAE Asian countries.

A few statistics about our weather – average temperatures run from 27-29 C (81-83F), with highs in the lower 90’s F. Month with the most sun is April, with the most rain is September, coolest temperatures January, hottest March.

A few personal notes: I am originally from Washington State (U.S.A.) and after visiting more than 40 countries chose Thailand for my retirement, and have not regretted it – though as with anywhere, one can get frustrated with situations. I am in good health at 75+ years and walk 4-5 kms a day. I do research projects on various subjects (thank goodness for the Internet) and care for a dozen pet birds (parrots, finch, etc.).

If anyone has questions about Phuket, visiting, living here, etc. I can try to provide answers or suggestions on where to find the information. Am sometimes a bit slow in replying to emails.
Enjoy your postings – most mornings I get a chuckle or out-loud laugh to start my day here and that’s why I keep coming back every day. Started reading you back in 2008.

Best regards,

Phuket Tom

There you are, it was Tom lurking after all these years!


While looking for Tom's photo on the old blog, I came across some lovely contributions from people who also contribute to WTIOC. I'll post them some time soon. Watch this space...