Saturday 9 November 2013

Things going bump in the night

We have a phantom cat who's a regular visitor on most evenings. We first noticed something strange when Pirouette was fast asleep upstairs, there was a noise of a cat coming through the catflap, but Pirate didn't come upstairs. We tried to investigate, but all we could see from the top of the stairs was a dark cat making a quick exit. So, it wasn't Pirate and we couldn't really identify the intruder.

I googled a phantom cat lookalike

Our cats never leave their bowls sparkling clean, but the phantom cat never leaves a single scrap...

A few weeks ago, on returning from a friend's birthday party, I came through the door first and caught a dark grey cat in the middle of the kitchen. He didn't know which way to go, hesitated for a few seconds, then made a mad dash to the front door, ran past Peter and disappeared into the night.

Sometimes we hear him coming in to polish the bowls and, as Pirouette hardly reacts to the intrusion, we leave him to it.

Last night things were a bit different. Both Pirate and Pirouette were asleep upstairs when we went to bed. Peter heard a commotion and decided to investigate. He found Pirouette on top of the door, various adornments, remote controls and other things scattered on the floor, and Pirate on the stairs. This morning, Pirate was sitting on one of the kitchen chairs looking at the catflap very intently.

Pirouette on top of the door on another occasion

Phantom cat is getting very cheeky!

We fitted a magnetic catflap a couple of years ago, when a different (and aggressive) cat used to come in. It worked very well until Pirate lost the magnet on his collar. We didn't have a spare, so we went to a large pet store in Brive to look for one. We found it, but it wasn't the same make as the original and soon after that the magnet on the catflap stopped working. We decided to take the collars off and treat the catflap as an ordinary one.

If things continue to go bump in the night on account of this uninvited cat and one of ours gets hurt, we may have to fit another magnetic flap. Then we'll have to worry about Pirate or Pirouette getting snagged somewhere and choking because of their collars.

What to do...?