Thursday 25 April 2013

Time for some jokes

It's been a while since we had jokes. These are short and sweet:

A barber, a bald man and an absent minded professor take a journey together. They have to camp overnight, so decide to take turns watching the luggage. When it's the barber's turn, he gets restless, so amuses himself by shaving the head of the professor. When the professor is woken up for his shift, he feels his head, and says "How stupid is that barber? He's woken up the bald man instead of me."


In biology class, the teacher draws a cucumber on the blackboard: "Children, could someone tell me what is this?"

Little Johnny raises his hand: "It's a dick, Miss Jones!" 

The teacher bursts into tears and runs out.

In a minute the principal rushes in: "All right, what did you do now? Which one of you brought Miss Jones to tears? And who the hell drew that dick on the blackboard?"


Q: What's red and invisible?
A: No tomatoes.