Wednesday 18 September 2013

Golden oldies

An eighty-five-year-old man marries a beautiful twenty-two-year old woman. Because her husband is so old, the bride thinks it's safer for them to sleep in separate rooms, fearful that he might overexert himself and come to some harm.

After the wedding, the young bride gets ready for bed, climbs under the covers and waits expectantly. Sure enough, she hears a knock. The door opens and there stands her husband, ready for action. When they finish making love, the old man leaves and his young wife prepares to sleep.

A few minutes later she wakes to another knock on the door. Her husband walks in, climbs into bed and makes love to her. She's very surprised with his prowess. He kisses her and goes back to his room.

The young lady is exhausted by now and quickly falls asleep, only to be awoken in a short while by her husband knocking on her door. He comes in as fresh as a twenty-five-year old and they make love again.

When he's set to leave, the bride turns to him and says, "I'm amazed, darling. I've been with men a quarter of your age who were good only once! You're a fantastic lover."

Somewhat embarrassed, the old man scratches his head, turns to his wife and says, "You mean I've been here already?"


The old couple are lying in bed when the wife says,

"Do you remember when we were first married and you used to hold my hand before we went to sleep?"

So the husband holds her hand and tries to go back to sleep.

"Darling, you also used to hug me when we were in bed."

He puts his arm around her and tries to go to sleep.

"You always kissed me as well."

He gives her a peck on the cheek, turns to the other side, covers his head with the pillow and tries once again to get some sleep.

"Ah, and you loved to bite my earlobe."

He throws the covers, puts the bedside light on, puts on his slippers and leaves the room.

"Where are you going???"

"To get my teeth!"