Tuesday 2 October 2018

How Are We Doing?

I want to thank Roxie for helping us make it through last week. She kept us all going with her posts.

I just wanted to hide...

Riley was very good at hiding. He hid from flies, especially if Mike was trying to swat them, and he hid from noises. He was very eccentric but I loved him to bits. He was a true alpha dog and kept all the other family dogs, and children, in their place. They all treated him with respect and made sure not to get in his way.  But he was afraid of flies... ; ))

I am like Riley- especially at times of stress.

Then there is Dublin. Dublin did not worry about anything. He woke up every morning thinking about the great fun he would have that day. Mike would throw the ball for him. He would climb up on Mike's lap. He would ask everyone he met for a pat. He would not have spent even a minute worrying about the bastards in the GOP! If Dublin were human he would have been a Buddist.

I guess we need as many coping strategies as we have in our basket to make it through these days. This week is not going to be any easier.

But with all the news that came out yesterday- I am feeling a lot more like Sweet Pea! She doesn't take shite from anyone!

Take heart, everyone.